AUROROCK =  { aurora }  +  { rock music }
✦ As Glow As Rock N Roll ✦
This project is aimed at the Fuji Rock Festival.
My purpose is to design a conceptual watch that conforms to the brand image.
 The watch has the function of stage direction guidance and activity reminder. The watch body can change the light color with the live music. When the audience is waving passionately, it'll look like a colorful aurora under the stage. Therefore, the concept of AURORA combined with ROCK is the naming concept to develop an exclusive Fuji rock music festival. watch. The strap is made of rope material, combined with the function of admission tickets to the music festival, other straps can be replaced after the event, such as the peripheral souvenirs sold on-site, to continue the value of the event.
「AUROROCK」是一款以富士搖滾音樂祭(Fuji Rock Festival)的參與者為對象設計的概念手錶。
Brand &User Research
Fuji Rock Festival is one of the biggest outdoor rock festivals in Japan. As a service brand, they don't have any specific product image. They afford awesome music, relaxed and chill atmosphere..., they are holding in the mountain, and people enjoy nature and music. 
AURORA's target audience is the young generation between the ages of 20 and 30, who like to be adventurous, lively, and enjoy visual impact. They are the type that can enjoy music even in bad weather.
✦  Main Concept: A watch that can bring fun with live music.  ✦
  {Mountain shape} + {changes colors with music} + { outdoor style} + {ticket function} 
After the ideation conduction, I visualized the 4 concepts, which were the mountain shapes, enjoyed with the music, outdoor elements, and the function of the ticket wristband. 
The wristband of the watch combines the function of the ticket, you can change the wristband to others that you like. The watch body is made of light-transmitting material, which can change its color with music. Imagine you're at the festival, AUROROCK as lightbars, when everyone rises hands and enjoys music, it will look like the aurora.
錶身採透光壓克力,安置可變色霓虹燈管與變色控制器,起伏的環狀裝飾如同現場環繞的群山,背部並印有音樂祭人氣吉祥物ゴンちゃん。由於現場舞台眾多且活動佔地廣闊,電子錶面除一般時間外,可設定顯示距離下場想看的舞台還有多久開始、舞台方位及舞台名稱。錶帶採用戶外活動常用的繩編材質,繡上官方標準字及1/2/3 Day Pass,以供入場標示,並以魔鬼氈固定方便挑整腕圍,方便置換且不怕淋濕。
Tool: Cinema 4D
Final Design
Due to COVID-19, Fuji Rock Music Festival has been announced to be postponed to 2021, and the advertising design is based on this concept. AUROROCK is set to be a brand new product launched when the Fuji Rock Festival is re-hosted in 2021.
 Promotion Video
音樂畫面版權:Fuji Rock Festival & Cold Play     音樂版權:Garmin
Art Director・Ishihara Yu  石原悠
Design・Peichen Chen

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