陳珮甄 Peichen Chen
Graphic Designer グラフィックデザイナー

Tainan, Taiwan.

An illustrator, graphic designer with a Psychology background, like to use psychological methods to assist with design problems, also good at observation and communication. I specialize in graphic design, binding, font design, illustration, and design research. Passionate about photography, travel, and volleyball. 


| Skills| Graphic Design, Font Design, Illustrations, Design Research 
| Tools| Adobe PS/ Ai/ Id/ AE, C4D, Glyphs, Procreate, Figma 
| Languages| Chinese (native), Taiwanese (native), English, Japanese(N2)

| Education學歷|
Chiba university (Chiba, Japan) 2019/09 - 2020/08
Exchange Program: Design Science
National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (Yunlin, Taiwan) 2017/09 - 2021/10 
Degree: Master of Visual Communication Design (MA)
Soochow University (Taipei, Taiwan) 2007/09 - 2011/06 
Degree: Bachelor of Psychology for Faculty of Science
| Workshops & Exhibitions工作坊暨展演經驗|
#the Mood - Peichen Chen Solo Exhibition (Yunlin, Taiwan)2021/07  Curator
Workshop of Disaster Preparedness - Chiba U X RMIT (Chiba, Japan)2020/02
 - 1st place of proposal, topic : BB-10 (about forest fire in AU. )
Farmer M.L.B. - Graduate Student Joint Exhibition (Yunlin, Taiwan)|2019/07 Coordinator
 - The coordinator, responsible for the communication and coordination of various teams and teachers, participating in field investigations and group meetings, and organizing the exhibition.
Infographic Poster Exhibition  - Joint Exhibition (Kaohsiung, Taiwan)|2019/01
The Native Messages from Sanguang, - Graduation Exhibition (Yunlin, Taiwan)|2018/12
Workshop in Investigation and Design Practice of Lingnan Characteristics (Guangzhou, China)|2018/10
- Workshop participants also serve as assistants to help with administrative tasks and schedules.
Workshop of Art Festivals (Taipei, Taiwan)|2018/06
Font of Love - Joint Exhibition (Yunlin, Taiwan)|2018/06
Ziao On Gong Ka Su - Graduate Student Joint Exhibition (Taichung, Taiwan)|2018/04
Islands : A collection of font proposals - Joint Exhibition (Taipei, Taiwan)|2018/04

各式合作歡迎來信洽詢  peichen013@gmail.com
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